Copyrights, Reproductions, and Permissions
All material in this website and electronic archive is copyrighted and cannot be downloaded, reproduced, copied, circulated or otherwise used without permission and acknowledgement.
The copyright of all manuscripts in the Henslowe-Alleyn Papers belongs to the Governors of Dulwich College.
The copyright of all the photographs of the manuscripts in this website and archive belongs to Dr David Cooper, who allows the Keeper of Manuscripts at Dulwich College to adminster these copyrights.
The copyright of digital essays, prefatory and other material belongs to the authors.
The website and electronic archive are copyright of King's Digital Lab at King’s College London.
For digital photographs or reproductions of any of the manuscripts, and for permission to reproduce them in any format, please contact Mrs Calista Lucy, Keeper of the Archives, Dulwich College, Dulwich Common, London SE21 7LD, UK; Email:
For information about the digital essays and other prefatory material, as well as any other general issues relating to the Project, please contact Prof. Grace Ioppolo, Department of English Literature, University of Reading, Whiteknights, PO Box 218, Reading RG6 6AA, UK; Email:
For information on the digital photography of manuscripts or the services provided by Digital Lightforms, please contact Dr David Cooper, Email:
For information on the design and construction of the website and electronic archive, please contact King's Digital Lab; Email: