Group 010 - Assignment by William Griffen to Robert Withens of the lease of the 'Liitle Rose', Dec. 11, 1579.
Group 001
Bargain and sale by Rauf Symondes to Thomas Langham of three tenements in Golding Lane and Whitecross Street, July 12, 1546.
Group 002
Bargain and sale by Thomas and Robert Langham to William Gill of three tenements in Golding Lane and Whitecross Street, Jan. 29, 1566.
Group 003
Bargain and sale by Thomas and Robert Langham to William Gill for three tenements in Golding Lane and Whitecross Street, Jan. 29, 1566.
Group 004
Feoffment from Thomas and Robert Langham to William Gill for three tenements in Golding Lane and Whitecross Street, Jan. 29, 1566.
Group 005
Fine by Thomas and Elizabeth Langham to Willliam Gill for three tenements in Golding Lane and Whitecross Street, 1568.
Group 006
Fine by Thomas and Elizabeth Langham to Willliam Gill for three tenements in Golding Lane and Whitecross Street, 1568.
Group 007
Letters Patent of Queen Elizabeth I giving Raphe Bowes the office of the Mastership of the Royal Game of Bears, Bulls and Mastiff Dogs, June 2, 1573.
Group 008
Lease from Ambrose Nicholas, William Boxe and others to William Griffin of a messuage called the ''Little Rose', Nov. 20, 1574.
Group 009
Will of William Gill bequeathing tenements in Golding Lane to Katherine and Daniel Gill and others, April 21, 1575.
Group 010
Assignment by William Griffen to Robert Withens of the lease of the 'Liitle Rose', Dec. 11, 1579.
Group 011
Power of attorney from Daniel Gill and his son Daniel to Patrick Brewe relating to the deeds of tenements in Golding Lane, Feb. 14, 1580.
Group 012
Lease from Daniel Gill to Patrick Brewe of messuages on Golding Lane and Whitecrosse Street, July 11, 1584.
Group 013
Lease from Daniel Gill to Patrick Brewe of messuages on Golding Lane and Whitecrosse Street, July 11, 1584.
Group 014
Feoffment from Daniel Gill to his son Daniel of the same messauges, Oct. 10, 1584.
Group 015
Assignment by Robert Withens to Philip Henslowe of the lease of the 'Little Rose', March 24, 1584/5.
Group 016
Deed of partnership between Philip Henslowe and John Cholmley for a parcel of ground on the Bankside and in a playhouse [the Rose] to be erected thereon, with details of how receipts are to be paid, Jan. 10, 1586/7. See Digital Essays.
Group 017
Will of Daniel Gill bequeathing his lands in trust to his family, May 25, 1592.
Group 018
Letters Patent of Queen Elizabeth I granting to Philip Henslowe the office of the Mastership of the Royal Game of Bears, Bulls and Mastiff Dogs (not executed), before June, 1598.
Group 019
Warrant from Jacob Meade, Master of the Royal Game of Bears, Bulls and Mastiff Dogs, commissioning John Cullyver to act as his deputy, Nov. 24, 1599.
Group 020
Assignment by Patrick Brewe to Edward Alleyn of the lease from Daniel Gill, relating to 12 and 13 above, Dec. 22, 1599.
Group 021
Draft of the preceding assignment, no date.
Group 022
Contract by Peter Streete, carpenter, with Philip Henslowe and Edward Alleyn to erect for the sum of £440 a 'new howse and stadge for a Plaiehowse [the Fortune] . . . nere Golding Lane', to have the same dimensions, as given, as the Globe Theatre, Jan. 8, 1599/1600, with acquittances on the verso dated Jan. 8, 1599-June 11, 1600. See Digital Essays.
Group 023
Lease from Daniel, William and Edmond Gill to John Garrett for rent of the premises as 12 and 13 above, June 30, 1601.
Group 024
Lease from Daniel, William and Edmond Gill to John Garrett for rent of the premises as 12 and 13 above, June 30, 1601.
Group 025
Letters Patent of King James I, granting to John Dorrington the office of the Mastership of the Royal Game of Bears, Bulls and Mastiff Dogs, July 14, 1603.
Group 026
Bond from Abraham Sauere (or Sawyer) to Francis Henslowe and James Browne to secure a payment to Joshua Speed, Oct. 25, 1604.
Group 027
Award by William Norres (or Norris) and others in a dispute with Daniel Gill and family relating to tenements in Golding Lane and Whitecrosse Street, Dec. 19, 1605.
Group 028
Award by William Norres (or Norris) and others in a dispute with Daniel Gill and family relating to tenements in Golding Lane and Whitecrosse Street, Dec. 19, 1605.
Group 029
Award by William Norres (or Norris) and others in a dispute with Daniel Gill and family relating to tenements in Golding Lane and Whitecrosse Street, Dec. 19, 1605.
Group 030
Lease from Thomas Towne to William Pearis of a tenement in Lambeth marsh, May 5, 1607.
Group 031
Lease from Thomas Garland to Philip Henslowe and Edward Alleyn for pastures in Lambeth called 'Long Slippe', June 28, 1608.
Group 032
Grant from Edward Alleyn to Thomas and Agnes Towne of an annuity for Dulwich manor and lands and the surrender of Kennington manor and lands, Oct. 28, 1608.
Group 033
Lease from Philip Henslowe and Edward Alleyn to Thomas Downton for one-eighth of a fourth part of income from the Fortune Theatre (not executed), 1608.
Group 034
Lease from Philip Henslowe and Edward Alleyn to Thomas Downton for one-eighth of a fourth part of income from the Fortune Theatre (not executed), 1608.
Group 035
Lease from Edward Alleyn to Edmond Williams of two messuages in Whitecrosse Street, Feb. 28, 1609/10.
Group 036
Assignment by John Garratt to Edward Alleyn of his reversion of the lease of messuages in Golding Lane and Whitecross Street, as 23 and 24 above, May 1, 1610.
Group 037
Assignment by Edward Alleyn to Philip Henslowe of the same, May 4, 1610.
Group 038
Bargain and sale by Daniel Gill and his family and others to Edward Alleyn for twelve tenements relating to the Fortune Theatre, May 30, 1610.
Group 039
Bond from the same parties to Edward alleyn to observe covenants as above, May 30, 1610.
Group 040
Bond from Edward Alleyn and Thomas Towne to Edmond Gill, June 2, 1610.
Group 041
Bond from Edward Alleyn to Edmond Gill, Sept. 29, 1610.
Group 042
Release from Daniel Gill and others as above 38 to Edward Alleyn of all rents and arrears, June 4, 1610.
Group 043
Fine by the same to Edward Alleyn of messuages and gardens, 1610.
Group 044
Fine by the same to Edward Alleyn of messuages and gardens, 1610.
Group 045
Release by Daniel and Katherine Gill and others as above 38, Oct. 20, 1610.
Group 046
Warrant from Philip Henslowe and Edward Alleyn, joint Masters of the Royal Game of Bears, Bulls and Mastiff Dogs, to commission Thomas Radford as their deputy, May 11, 1611.
Group 047
Bond from John Townsend, William Barksted, Joseph Taylor and other actors to Philip Henslowe to perform 'certen articles', Aug. 29, 1611.
Group 048
Lease from Edward Alleyn to Robert Johnson of a tenement in Golding Lane, Jan. 6, 1612/13.
Group 049
Contract of Gilbert Katherens, carpenter, with Philip Henslowe and Jacob Meade to pull down the old Bear Garden and to build another playhouse [the Hope], to be used for playing and for blood sports, to be the same dimensions, as given, as the Swan Theatre, Aug. 29, 1613.
Group 050
Bond from Gilbert Katherens to Philip Henslowe and Jacob Meade to observe the covenants in the preceding contract, Aug. 29, 1613.
Group 051
Articles between Gilbert Katherens and John Browne whereby the latter covenants to make the brickwork of a playhouse [the Hope] in the same dimensions of the Swan, and to be built upon the place of the Bear Garden, Sept. 8, 1613.
Group 052
Articles on the part and behalf of Philip Henslowe and Jacob Meade relating to their acting company, represented by Nathan Field, c. 1613.
Group 053
Assignment by Agnes, widow of Philip Henslowe to Gregory Franklin and John Hammond of leases from Edward Alleyn to Philip Henslowe of a moiety of the Fortune Theatre for twenty-four years, and of messuages in the Clink from others, Feb. 15, 1616.
Group 054
Lease from Edward Alleyn to Henry Smith of a messuage in Golding Lane, April 24, 1618, with note of surrender dated Aug. 4, 1621 on verso.
Group 055
Lease from Edward Alleyn to Richard Hudson of a messauge in Golding Lane 'to have a dore way or passage towardes the playhows', July 1, 1618.
Group 056
Lease from Edward Alleyn of Dulwich to Edward Juby, William Bird, Frank Grace, Richard Gunnell, Charles Massey, Wiliam Stratford, William Cartwright, Richard Price, William Parre, and Richard Fowler of the Fortune Theatre, with terms listed, Oct. 31, 1618.
Group 057
Bond from the lessees as above to Edward Alleyn to observe convenants, Oct. 31, 1618.
Group 058
Lease from Edward Alleyn of Dulwich to Charles Massey of one twenty-fourth part of the ground and tenements where the Fortune Theatre stood, to be used for the construction of a new [Fortune] theatre, May 20, 1622.
Group 059
Lease from Edward Alleyn to Richard Price of one twenty-fourth part of the same ground and tenements, May 20, 1622.
Group 060
Lease from Edward Alleyn to William Gwalter for a sixth part of the ground and tenements as above, May 20, 1622, with endorsement of the surrender of the lease, with further one-sixth part to William Gwalter and another lease to Robert Leigh, June 19, 1623.
Group 061
Lease from Edward Alleyn to William Gwalter for a sixth part of the ground and tenements as above, May 20, 1622, with endorsement of the surrender of the lease, with further one sixth part to William Gwalter and another lease to Robert Leigh, June 19, 1623.
Group 062
Lease from Edward Alleyn to Anthony Jarman for a twelfth part of the premises as above, paying towards the erection of a new playhouse, May 20, 1622.
Group 063
Lease from Edward Alleyn to Margaret Grey of a twelfth part of the new [Fortune] Theatre, with a taphouse belonging to the same and five other tenements, Jan. 29, 1623/4.
Group 064
Lease from Edward Alleyn to George Bosgrave of half a twelfth part of the premises as above, Feb. 20, 1623/4.
Group 065
Extract from the roll of the Court Baron of the Mayor and citizens of London, lords of the manor of Finsbury, of the evidence of Thomas and Matthias Alleyn of Dulwich College concerning the lands and tenements of the Foturne Theatre bequeathed by Edward Alleyn to the College, Oct. 6, 1629.
Group 066
Bill in Chancery of Thomas (or Tobias) Lisle against Dulwich College relating to the rents for the lands and tenements of the Foturne Theatre, Nov. 26, 1646.
Group 067
Bill in Chancery of Dulwich College against Tobias Lisle and Thomas Grymes, relating to the above, 1647, 1649.
Group 068
Bill in Chancery of Dulwich College against Tobias Lisle and Thomas Grymes, relating to the above, 1647, 1649.
Group 069
Bill in Chancery of Dulwich College against Tobias Lisle and Thomas Grymes, relating to the above, 1647, 1649.
Group 070
Answer of Thomas Alleyn, Master of Dulwich College to the complaint of Arthur Minshawe and others relating to Tobias Lisle, Nov. 1649.
Group 071
Bill in Chancery of William Beaven against Dulwich College as above, Nov. 1661.
Group 072
Draft of a lease from Dulwich College to William Beaven of nineteen messuages built on the ground of the demolished Fortune Theatre, March 1661/2.