Group 584 - Deed of Foundation by Edward Alleyn by virtue of the Letters Patent as 581 above, of a college to be called and named 'The College of God's Gift in Dulwich in the County of Surrey', and to consist of one master, one warden, four fellows, six poor brethren, six poor sisters and twelve poor scholars, Sept. 1619; signed by Francis Bacon, Thomas Howard, Edward Cecil, Inigo Jones and others. See Digital Essays.
Group 331
Letters Patent of King Henry VIII granting to Thomas Calton the manor and lands of Dulwich, Oct. 11, 1544.
Group 383
Letters Patent of Queen Elizabeth I granting to Francis Calton the livery of the manor and lands of Dulwich, Feb. 1, 1587.
Group 558
Indenture of contract between Edward Alleyn and John Benson, bricklayer, for the construction of Dulwich College, Chapel and twelve almshouses, May 17, 1613, with acquainttances from June 19, 1612-April 22, 1614 on the verso.
Group 581
Letters Patent of King James I to Edward Alleyn for the foundation of Dulwich College, June 21, 1619, detailing the purchase of the lands and property.
Group 584
Deed of Foundation by Edward Alleyn by virtue of the Letters Patent as 581 above, of a college to be called and named 'The College of God's Gift in Dulwich in the County of Surrey', and to consist of one master, one warden, four fellows, six poor brethren, six poor sisters and twelve poor scholars, Sept. 1619; signed by Francis Bacon, Thomas Howard, Edward Cecil, Inigo Jones and others. See Digital Essays.
Group 586
Covenant by Edward Alleyn to levy a fine to William Allen and William Austen for the use of lands and messuages in Lambeth and Camberwell by himself and afterward to Dulwich College forever, April 24, 1620.
Group 587
Covenant by Edward Alleyn to levy a fine to William Allen and William Austen for the use of lands and messuages in Lambeth and Camberwell by himself and and afterward to Dulwich College forever, April 24, 1620.
Group 594
The Original Book of the Statutes and Ordinances of the College of God's Gift in Dulwich, Sept. 29, 1626, with an additional clause dated Nov. 20, 1626.